Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Birthday Weekend in Wichita

Happy 13th birthday to Taylor and Happy 2nd Birthday to Riley! Taylor had a track meet all day on her actual birthday, so we had pie and a few presents very late when she got home that night. We decided to take a birthday trip this year to celebrate the girls birthdays instead of having a party. We went this past weekend to Wichita, KS, which is the largest city in KS and is about 3 1/2 hours away. It was SO NICE to have good restaurants and malls and fun things to do for a change! We had a great time. We went to an indian pow wow one evening, which was neat, and was something Ben has always wanted to do. Taylor chose Chilis for her birthday dinner and we all chose ChuckECheeses for Rileys birthday dinner (she had a blast)! We spent the rest of the time at the Starbucks drive thru and shopping at teh malls.....Taylor asked only for money for her birthday so she could buy new clothes, and she got quite a bit of cash to spend (a big thanks to Pa for the majority of it)! Thank you all for the cards and gifts. We missed you celebrating these special days with us!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all had as good a weekend as I did. The only thing that would have made mine better would have been to see my mom. Our sermon at church was on the Proverbs 31 woman, and I consider my mom to be closer to that than anyone else I know. It is my goal to be more like that.
Friday night I took Taylor and Joslyn to a Mother-Daughter Banquet at our church (Riley stayed home with Ben; I knew it would be more enjoyable that way since she doesn't like to sit still for very long). We had a great time. On Sat Taylor had an out of town track meet, and right as the little girls and Ben and I were about to leave home to head that way, Taylor called and said she was about to run her hurdles, earlier than expected, so we ended up staying in town and went to the Liberal Air Museum, which was pretty neat. On Sunday we went to dinner at an ilalian restaurant here in town. It was a Mother's Day/early Birthday dinner for Tay since she has her last track meet Tues and will get home too late for dinner. Here are a few pictures from our weekend.