Monday, June 8, 2009


Several of our family members used to love to hear 'Joslyn stories' and have recently mentioned that they miss hearing them, so I figured I would share a few. This first one is very embarrassing, and I would only tell this to family and people that I am closest to, those of you that know Joslyn quite well.....we were sitting in church one Sunday morning and there was a rather large lady sitting infront of us. She was of normal size from her waist up, but her bottom half was several times larger than the rest of her body. I noticed Joslyn was staring at her from behind and had a strange look on her face. After studying the lady for quite some time, she tapped me, wanting to say something to me. Knowing how children can be quite honest with their thoughts, and fearing what might come out of her mouth after noticing what she had been looking at, I quickly put my ear to her mouth so noone would hear what might possibly come out. She said, 'momma, that lady's hiney is too big to fit on the does she use the bathroom'....!!!! She was very serious about this question; not even a hint of a smile. So, she wasn't being mean, she was just honestly asking what was on her mind :) Thank God it wasn't a moment where the comment was blurted out. How embarrassing that would have been! Another story, one which is typical of Joslyn and without going into much detail, is when we went for her 5 yr checkup. She does not like shots. She has no intentions of ever getting any shots. We had been discussing all morning that she would have to get shots in order to start kindergarden, and all of her friends would have to do the same. She was we thought. Needless to say, 4 other nurses ended up in the room. One was holding Riley for me while the other 3 were each holding a limb as I practically layed on her to restrain her so that our poor nurse could quickly give her the shots. She was screaming the entire time. Poor Riley...I wonder was she was thinking. On the flip side, Joslyn can also be very sweet (just in case you ere wondering :) ), and I just love how much she loves Riley. We were recently riding in the van to the store, and Joslyn told me thank you for bringing Riley to us. I responded, thinking she meant bringing her WITH us to the store. She said, 'no, you know when you were at the hospital and Riley came out of your belly..thank you for bringing her to us'. Another day she said the prayer before lunch, 'Dear Jesus, thank for this food and thank you so much for Riley because she is just so cute'. These are among the many daily comments she makes about her little sister :)

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