Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Beginnings

It's been quite some time since I've written on this blog! I'll try to fill you in on some things that have taken place between summer and now. We've had a few changes take place recently. We had a wonderful time in TN; it was wonderful seeing all of you! We actually missed KS a little bit while we were gone, so that's a good sign that we're adjusting. Most of you see our pictures on picasa, so I won't post any this time.

Taylor has had a great time being a part of the youth group at our church and getting to know the kids; they have had many youth functions and have taken many trips. It's has been fun, and at the same time it has been good for her on a spiritual level. She got saved and baptized at age 6, but recently said she felt like even though she knew and understood in her head what it meant to be a christian, she didn't understand it or feel it in her heart. So, she gave her heart to the Lord at a youth function! She's been reading her Bible and is learning a lot. She got her bible out the other night and was practicing talking to Ben about God :) She decided she wanted to go to the christian school at our church this year for the 8th grade. So far she has really enjoyed it and seems to be doing well. They wear uniforms, which isn't as bad as she initially thought it would be She started volleyball this week. We are excited to watch her play this sport for the first time ever.

Joslyn started Kindergarden a week ago :( She was not looking forward to it at all. She didn't want to go unless Riley could go with her. On her first day she was nervous as we walked up to the school, and I thought she might cry as she lined up and walked into school with her class, but instead Riley cried. She burst into tears and went running up to the door to try to catch her. She cried the whole way to the van saying 'I want Jwosyn' :) Joslyn has done really well so far, except that she has already gotten her name on the board for talking too much to her new little mexican friend, Trinity. Her teacher tells me that Joslyn finishes her work quickly and then wants to do Trinity's work for her, to help her get finished. She ties her shoes for her too, so Ms. Watson is afraid Trinity will not learn to do things on her own with Joslyn helping her do it all, so now Joslyn will have to be moved to another table. I guess at least she's being moved for doing something good instead of doing something bad.

Ben and I have started a new herbalife business. It will be a slow startup but has good potential for the future. We will keep you informed as it progresses.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that you're settling in so well. I can't imagine how hard it was to start Joslyn in kindergarten! I'm not looking forward to that day with Maura!
