Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our New Addition!

This is Belle, the new member of our family. She is a lab mix. We got her at 6 weeks old the week we left for Kansas. Most of you know I'm not a dog person :) and that we've given the last two away, but we figured getting a puppy would be a good distraction for the kids during the transition of moving. The kids love her. Joslyn even enjoys using the pooper scooper in the backyard (Taylor was thrilled for Joslyn to take on this job, since it was origianlly Taylor's responsibility)! Riley initially liked feeding her until Belle realized that Riley's hand tastes as good as the food! Now Riley's favorite words are "No Belle"!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, so glad you are settling! What a fun addition! I love dogs. :) I miss you!!
